High-Tech-Surfaces in the Service of Health
Made by DOT is synonymous with innovative surfaces and excellence in medical technology from Rostock - for the benefit of patients worldwide. We are one of the world's leading suppliers of medical coating technologies for orthopedic and dental implants as well as instruments.
We enhance titanium, medical steel, hard metal, ceramic or peek implants and dental instruments with our advanced surfaces. Color anodizing, laser engraving for product identification and cleanroom packaging are also a part of our product portfolio.Implant Coatings

Our range of services comprises a broad series of technologies for surface enhancements of medical implants and instruments. These include conventional coating techniques like PVD coating or TPS coating as well as our innovative solutions such as electrochemical calcium phosphate coating or techniques for acid etching of implants. Read more>>

We offer our customers complementary services in addition to surface enhancement. These include laser engraving, packing in cleanrooms, printing and applying labels as well as sterilization as a sub-contractor. DOT has two Class 7 cleanrooms at its disposal and develops packing concepts together with the customer. Furthermore, we have standardised packaging solutions available for dental and orthopedic implants. Read more>>